
JustTech’s Multi-Tiered Approach to Network Security

JustTech provides a multi-tiered approach to network security for our clients, focusing on protection and containment and quick recovery should an incident occur. Protection Components: JustTech’s WAN Security Solution includes our advanced firewall hardware, firewall management, software subscriptions, automatic security patching, and VPN access. This is labeled as the “first line of [...]

DNS Protection for Computers

Just·Tech's DNS Protection for workstations is a cloud security platform that provides the first line of defense against threats (including many ransomware type attacks) on the internet wherever users go. This solution blocks malicious destinations before a connection is ever established. This is an additional layer of network security and [...]

2017-09-14T19:25:51+00:00September 14th, 2017|DNS Protection, News & Events|


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