Customers Demanding Security from Vendors

As more & more networks are attacked, security experts claim consumers are demanding companies take security seriously and punishing those who do not according to a new report on  From the article:

“You start thinking about security differently. You start demanding security from the vendors and the businesses you are doing transactions with in a different way,” Symantec’s Chief Security Officer Tim Fitzgerald told the National Cyber Security Alliance’s Cybersecurity Summit in New York.

Cisco Chief Information Security Officer Steve Martino said companies also need to ensure that security is considered from the moment they design and build a new product – rather than waiting for something to go wrong and rolling out fixes.
“I think the vendor who is building that needs to have a process to say what am I building, how I am protecting it and making a secure environment,” Martino said, adding that he envisions a time when security, like the endurance of a product, will help anchor a company’s reputation.
“Security is going to be an element of your brand,” he continued. “Very shortly, you are going to start to see companies say security is part of that brand. It’s quality. It’s security. That is where it moves into the board, into the company’s strategy.”

Southern Solutions’ Automatic Firmware Updates App solution for Xerox ConnectKey MFPs provides ongoing firmware (or systems software) updates as they become available. Firmware updates almost always include security updates and it is important to not overlook how important it is that devices connected to your network have the latest security updates. When new viruses or intrusions are discovered, new security patches are developed and released in new firmware versions.  As discussed above, customers are paying more attention to the security of their products.
The National Institute of Standards & Technology further validated the need for security updates on copiers connected to networks in their recent Risk Management for Replication Devices Report.  Among the threats to replication devices (copiers & MFPs), the list includes outdated and/or unpatched operating systems and firmware.
For more information on our Automatic Firmware Updates App solution, check out our Firmware Updates App White Paper.
Contact us to discuss our app solutions today.

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2015-10-20T14:27:06+00:00October 20th, 2015|News & Events|

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