Southern Solutions, a Xerox certified Personalized Application Builder Authorized Developer provides customized app solutions.  We work with many Xerox Partners across the U.S.  We are excited to announce the we have our first global app solutions customer, Office Innovations of Finland!  Office Innovations acquired our Automatic Firmware Updates App solution for Xerox ConnectKey MFPs & copiers.  We are very thankful for Office Innovations business and eager to work with their staff!
With Southern Solutions’ Automatic Firmware Updates App solution, firmware updates on many Xerox models are automatic. Automatic firmware updates increase customer satisfaction, increase equipment reliability, increase equipment & network security, decrease service calls and decrease partner workload as updates can often take an hour to perform on-site.  Updates are performed sequentially in order of approved firmware versions to ensure perfect and continuous operations.
For information on our Firmware Updates App solution, click here.
Contact us to discuss our app solutions today!